Monday 21 May 2012

Further Colour Research

After coming up with the characters designs, I decided that colour needed to be added and so I started looking at different colour palletes that were available. 

The grayscale is quite simple to implement but does not follow a board game style very well.

Follows quite a dark feel, making the use of blue in different shades to make quite an interesting pallete. The variation in colours are not very good but could be used in an interesting manner.

This feels very fantasy and forest-like. Could be used for one character specifically but not got enough range to go across the whole board.

Very different colours but I don't feel that any of them match quite well. and especially with the style of board game that I am going for.

Quite a bit different that the other colours. I quite like the purple in the pallete but none of the other colours are interesting enough, they are quite bland and dark.

This pallete has a good variation of colours and all follow the style that I am looking for, I could mix this with a purple that is similar to it and instead of the black, using grayscale as well.

I went for a mixture of the palletes used and included a colour of my own that matches well with the other colours. I feel that this pallete has all the colours that I want along with the purple is a good and large pallete of colours.

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