Friday 23 March 2012

Interactive Comics


This comic is based on the film Tron Legacy. You can navigate the comic using either your the arrow keys to skip to the next panel or you can scroll using the mouse. As your scroll, the panels interact by zooming in and out or moving images. The moves are very subtle but bring the comic to life.

The style is very hand drawn but bright. The bright colours correspond to the bright neon colours of the films. The detailing and characters are all done using black and white mainly but the contrast of the bright colours really brings the comics to life and gives the tron-like feel to the comics.

Dead On Arrival

This comic has interactive pages that you must use your mouse to pull the corners to turn the page, as you would do with a real comic. Some of the pages are interactive where you must click on them to get to the next chapter or later on, there are pictures of potential suspects that you can choose.

The style of the comic is very dark which fits in with the theme of the murder at the heart of the story. There are small uses of the colour red to signify blood. The whole comic is made using a series of photographs which is unusual for a comic but works well with the interactivity and it makes you feel as you are making a decision at certain points but in fact the story is linear.


Nawls takes all the forms of multimedia and puts it into a giant interactive comic. It combines animation, sound, graphics, text, and interactivity. There are multiple points of interactivity, from navigation through the use of clicking on arrows and text, or clicking on images that when rolled over with the mouse produce animation and sound. The whole thing makes you feel as you are part of the entire story.

 The style of the comic is very futuristic and high-tech. It makes use of grayscale for characters with the use of a very futristic green/blue colour in various ways by changing the shade. Other colours are used but very subtly and making them very light and hardly noticeable but all of this adds to the character of the comic. The use of text and images are very digital by using very pixelated images in the style of retro 8-bit and 16-bit images, again adding to the whole "futuristic and digital" feel of the comic.

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